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Computational Design

In the 21st century practice skills in enabling spatial design concepts through the use of computers are essential. This course focuses on applying state of the art thinking in design, architecture and urbanism. This program will teach you to enable design ideas through offering you modules that outline how creative, technical and aesthetic solutions are gained through applying and accessing digital tools.


Unique in Australia, this degree offers all aspects of the application of digital technologies to face the challenges of the 21st century and take part in the progress of the built environment. Key areas of study:

  • Computational Design Theory

  • Optimization and Decision Support

  • Smart and Ubiquitous Cities

  • Responsive Environments

  • Digital Fabrication and Construction

  • Gaming and Visual Representation

  • BIM Modelling

CLICK HERE for more information























Descritption & Aims

This course is part of the practice orientated teaching trajectory ‘Calibrating in the Stream 2: Optimisation and Decision Support, in the student specialisation journey.


This is a studio based design course. The focus is on developing a framework for Computational and Spatial Design research through critique of ‘collaboration’. Students will begin to define a major in either ‘constructing’; ‘calibrating’ or ‘contextualising’.


The course preparation facilitates, through digital collaboration further skill foundation with a group project. A main investigation topic-‘Grand Narrative’ interconnects all projects in Year 3. The ‘Grand Narrative’ is set by the course lecturers each year and is announced at the beginning of the semester. Peer review will engage, challenge and question academic and industry points of view.


CLICK HERE for futher information 


























Working with this project has been a learning experience. The task was great and the clients so passionate it was contagious.


This project has helped me gain new skills by using both new and old software in these last three months. Learning Unreal Engine 4 was tough, and on many occasions it was challenging. As a group, I believe we have met our client’s needs by improving on last year’s project.


This project has definitely taught me a lot about collaboration and working within a team of people with differing levels of a skills and commitments.  

The project also allowed me to work with and for a client.  Additionally, I have loved learning the new software’s and exploring different methods of communication and presentation.  The project has defiantly has prepared me for dealing with people in industry and clients.


I have realised that collaboration with a group of graduates is a difficult thing. Thankfully my difficulty was not that we had members with commitment issues but that everyone was equally committed to all of their studies and extra-curriculum activities that finding a time to work physically as a team was nearly impossible. These difficulties, I believe, have stretched all of us to work efficiently on our own and ultimately what is better than meeting physically is to communicate effectively the methods and procedures and then together count the costs and weigh in to see it through.



When approaching the project I had grand ideas of parametric cableway’s that doubled as virtual museums encompassing virtual reality mediums and even the odd hologram or two. However I soon realised the client’s needs and the real-world focus of the project and like every architect who has ever had a client, I had to discard my grand hallucinations for deliverable, accurate and historic outcomes. This is the true focus of the project, preparing students for the real world, real briefs and real people. I’ve gained much more than any technical skill, I’ve gained the ability to work effectively within a team, work towards a deadline, confront and resolve conflict, communicate effectively and even how to say the word remuneration.




Matthias Hank Haeusler

Director - Computational Design (CoDe), PG Teaching Staff, Smart Cities, Design Research Collaboration

Dipl.-Ing. (HfT Stuttgart Architecture) / PhD (SIAL/RMIT)






Russell Lowe

Senior Lecturer - Computational Design (CoDe), Architectural Studies, Architecture, Research Centre Staff, Smart Cities
MArch (Auckland), BArch





Nicole Gardner

Lecturer - Computational Design (CoDe)







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